Maciej Malawski
Foundations for Workflow Application Scheduling on D-Wave System
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Storage-Aware Algorithms for Scheduling of Workflow Ensembles in Clouds
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Challenges and Opportunities of Using Virtual Patients in xMOOCs
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Cost Optimization of Execution of Multi-Level Deadline-Constrained Scientific Workflows on Clouds
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Secure Storage and Processing of Confidential Data on Public Clouds
In Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack Dongarra, Konrad Karczewski & Jerzy Waśniewski: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. 1 272--282. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55224-3_26. ISBN: 978-3-642-55224-3
Cost Minimization for Computational Applications on Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures
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Evaluation of Cloud Providers for VPH Applications
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Hosted Science: Managing Computational Workflows in the Cloud
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Introducing PRECIP: An API for Managing Repeatable Experiments in the Cloud
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Component-Based Approach for Programming and Running Scientific Applications on Grids and Clouds
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Computations of Protein Hydrophobicity Profile as Virtual Experiment in Gridspace Virtual Laboratory
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Constructing Workflows from Script Applications
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Cost- and Deadline-Constrained Provisioning for Scientific Workflow Ensembles in IaaS Clouds
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Flexible and Extendable Mechanism Enabling Secure Access to E-Infrastructures and Storage of Confidential Data for the GridSpace2 Virtual Laboratory
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Managing Entire Lifecycles of E-Science Applications in the GridSpace2 Virtual Laboratory – From Motivation through Idea to Operable Web-Accessible Environment Built on Top of PL-Grid e-Infrastructure
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Providing Security for MOCCA Component Environment
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Fault Tolerant Grid Registry
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Semantic Composition of Scientific Workflows Based on the Petri Nets Formalism
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