Virtual Physiological Human: Sharing for Healthcare - A Research Environment
- Marian Bubak
- Vht , Health
- March 1, 2011 - May 31, 2015
VPH-Share develops the organisational fabric and integrates optimized services to:
- expose and share data and knowledge,
- jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows,
- facilitate collaboration within the VPH community.
Four flagship workflows (representing @neurIST, euHeart, VPHOP and Virolab projects) provide existing data, tools and models, engaging with the services developed by VPH-Share to drive the development of the infostructure and pilot its applications. Data sources are usually clinical data from individual patients – medical images and/or biomedical signals – sometimes with population information. Operations range from secure access and storage through annotation, data inference and assimilation, to complex image processing and physics-based mathematical modelling, to data reduction and representation.
VPH-Share Deliverables
- VPH-Share-wp2-d2.1-v13.pdf
- VPH-Share_D22_1v3.pdf
- VPH-Share_D23_1v3.pdf
- VPH-Share_D24_10.pdf
- VPH-Share_D25_1v0.pdf
VPH-Share Presentations
- P. Nowakowski: Introduction to the VPH-Share Atmosphere cloud platform; lecture delivered at the FEIT WUT seminar, Warsaw University of Technology, November 2014
- M. Bubak, B. Baliś, T. Bartyński, T. Gubała, D. Harężlak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner, P. Nowakowski, B. Wilk, and P. Suder: From VPH-Share to PL-Grid: Atmosphere as as a Frontend to Cloud Resources in Research Infrastructures, Cracow Grid Workshop 2014, Kraków, Poland, 27-29 October 2014
- T. Bartyński, M. Kasztelnik, B. Wilk, and M. Bubak: Towards auto-scaling in the Atmosphere cloud platform , Cracow Grid Workshop 2014, Kraków, Poland, 27-29 October 2014
- M. Kasztelnik: Support for Taverna Workflows in VPH-Share Cloud Platform , Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 , Trondheim, Norway, 9-12 September 2014
- P. Nowakowski: Execution and Sharing of VPH Applications in the Cloud with the Atmosphere Platform , Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 , Trondheim, Norway, 9-12 September 2014
- P. Nowakowski: series of presentations of VPH-Share tools and services to CMUJ faculty and staff; September 2014
- M. Bubak: Federating cloud resources for building and execution of VPH applications , a keynote lecture at SKG2014 (The 10th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & Grids), Beijing, China, 27-29.08.2014
- A.A. Kononowicz, A.J. Narracott, J. Fenner, P. Nowakowski, M. Malawski, E. Mancini, P.V. Lawford, K. McCormack, N. Zary: Virtual Patients in the Cloud? Perspectives for Medical Education Offered by the Virtual Physiological Human Community, 20th SESAM, Poznan, Poland, 12 June 2014
- M. Malawski: VPH-Share demo at KUKDM'14 , Zakopane, Poland, 14 March 2014
- M. Bubak: Federating cloud resources for building and execution of VPH applications , ACC Cyfronet AGH Open Day, Krakow, Poland, 25 November 2013
- M. Bubak, M. Kaszelnik: Towards a framework for creation, deployment and reliable operation of distributed, time-critical applications , High Performance Computing in Multidisciplinary Research, NIU ITMO, Saint Petersburg, 22 November 2013
- M. Bubak: Security in the Cloud Platform for VPH Applications , 3rd CIRRUS Workshop, ASI, Vienna, Austria, 19 November 2013
- J. Meizner: Public and private clouds as infrastructures for sharing data and computing services for VPH researchers , 2nd Summer School in Computational Oncology , Schloss Dagstuhl, June 23–28, 2013
- P. Nowakowski: Cloud-centric Development of Scientific Applications for the VPH Community , 2nd Summer School in Computational Oncology , Schloss Dagstuhl, June 23–28, 2013
- M. Bubak: Cloud Platform for VPH Applications , 2nd Summer School in Computational Oncology , Schloss Dagstuhl, June 23–28, 2013
- P. Nowakowski, T. Bartyński, T. Gubała, D. Harężlak, M. Kasztelnik, J. Meizner, M. Bubak: Managing Cloud Resources for Medical Applications , Cracow Grid Workshop 2012, Kraków, Poland, 22 October 2012
VPH-Share Posters and Flyers
- Scaling Evolutionary Programming with use of Apache Spark (2014) W. Funika and P. Koperek; poster presented during CGW Workshop'14 ; 27-29 October, 2014, Krakow, Poland.
- Use of neural networks for managing the resources usage (2014) W. Funika, P. Oleksy, and T. Wis; poster presented during CGW Workshop'14 ; 27-29 October, 2014, Krakow, Poland.
- From VPH-Share to PL-Grid: Atmosphere as an Advanced Frontend to Cloud Resources in Research Infrastructures (2014), M. Bubak, B. Baliś, T. Bartyński, T. Gubała, D. Harężlak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner, P. Nowakowski, B. Wilk, P. Suder; poster presented during CGW Workshop'14 ; 27-29 October, 2014, Krakow, Poland.
- Autoconfiguration of remote desktop clients for cloud-based secure and interactive visualization (2014), D. Harężlak and M. Bubak; poster presented during CGW Workshop'14 ; 27-29 October, 2014, Krakow, Poland.
- Evaluation of Cloud Providers for VPH Applications (2013), M. Bubak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner, P. Nowakowski - ACC Cyfronet AGH Krakow, PL, S. Varma - University of Sheffield, UK; poster presented during CCGrid2013 - 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing; 13-16 May, 2013, Delft, the Netherlands.
- Cloud Platform for Medical Applications (2012), M. Bubak, P. Nowakowski, T. Bartynski, T. Gubala, D. Harezlak, M. Kasztelnik, M. Malawski, J. Meizner - ACC Cyfronet AGH Krakow, PL, A. Belloum, S. Koulouzis, D. Vasunin - University of Amsterdam, NL, P. Coveney, D. Chang - UCL London, UK, R. Diaz Rodriguez, D. Ruiz Lopez - ATOS Research, ES; October 2012.
- Federating Cloud Resources in the VPH-Share Project (2011), Piotr Nowakowski, Marian Bubak, Tomasz Bartyński, Daniel Harężlak, Marek Kasztelnik, Jan Meizner; poster presented during Cracow Grid Workshop 2011 ; 7-9 November 2011, Kraków, Poland.
VPH-Share Videos
Authentication in the VPH-Share Master Interface and retrieval of security tokens
Creating and registering a VPH-Share Atomic Service
Generic Service Invoker and authorization by the Security Proxy
Basic features of the LOBCDER data storage federation
Sample Atomic Service: Image Transmogrifier
Using the Application Hosting Environment service frontend