ICT for environmental services and climate change adaptation
- Marian Bubak
- Vht , Health
- December 1, 2009 - November 30, 2012
The mission of the UrbanFlood project was investigating the use of sensors within flood embankments to support an online early warning system, real time emergency management and routine asset management. The Common Information Space (CIS) provides a means for integration, over the Internet, of Early Warning Systems, sensors and application programs for public information and decision support.
UrbanFlood Posters
An application scaling system in Elastic Compute Cloud , W. Funika, K. Mazurek, and W. Kruczkowski; poster presented during Cracow Grid Workshop 2011 ; 7-9 November 2011, Kraków, Poland.
UrbanFlood Press Articles
A. Ślązak (PAP - Nauka w Polsce), Zdążyć przed wielką falą (in Polish), an article at the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education web site, 30 March, 2012 D. Merecik (TVP.pl), [W Krakowie otwarto Centrum Informatyki AGH](http://www.tvp.pl/krakow/aktualnosci/rozmaitosci/w-krakowie-otwarto-centrum-informatyki-agh/6886880 (in Polish), an article and a video at the TVP.pl web site, 28 March, 2012
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