My Personal AI Mediator for Virtual MEETtings BetWEEN People
- Marek Kasztelnik
- Software
- January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2027
The Meetween project aims to build the science-based technology solutions needed to power Europe’s next generation of video conferencing platforms and support and facilitate business collaboration across the European Union via real-time speech-to-speech translation and summaries. Comprehensive, integrated algorithmic capabilities offered by fundamental models and self-supervised training on large data sets will be used to adapt agilely to the participant’s context, cultural and regional specificities, including linguistic ones. Protecting the European vision of artificial intelligence is also an important aspect of the project.
The main role of Cyfronet in the Meetween project is to enable the launch of the machine learning process on a large scale using the HPC infrastructure. Tools will be created to test the efficiency and correctness of AI models. The ranking, which will be created automatically, will make it easier for scientists to decide on further training, optimisation and development of AI models.