Multiscale Applications on European e-Infrastructures

Multiscale Applications on European e-Infrastructures

The MAPPER project responded to the critical need by developing computational strategies, software and services for distributed multiscale simulations across disciplines, exploiting existing and evolving European e-Infrastructure. This project was driven by the computational needs of seven exemplary multiscale problems from a variety of disciplines including Systems Biology, Fusion, Physiology, Engineering and nano-Material Science. Mapper used and enhanced existing solutions to support the multiscale simulation community, building simulation systems such as GridSpace.

Official project website

MAPPER Presentations

MAPPER Posters and Flyers

MAPPER Deliverables


Multiscale Application Designer and GridSpace Experiment Workbench used on the example of Irrigation Canals simulation (thanks to Mohamed Ben Belgacem and Bestien Chopard, University of Geneva) {{ youtube kZ8QAvg07GE}} Provenance Tracking system used for Irrigation Canals simulation {{ youtube p9hToOpqV4A}}

Multiscale Application Designer and GridSpace Experiment Workbench used on the example of nanomaterials simulation with AHE (thanks to Stefan Zasada and Derek Groen, UCL, UK) {{ youtube YGzk2xSObGs}}

Presentation of MAPPER Memory, Multiscale Application Designer and GridSpace Experiment Workbench tools on the example of “Ant and Elephant” application {{ youtube zb8qCn6jLIM}}

Generation and execution of skeleton “ant and elephant” application in GridSpace and registration in MaMe – loosely coupled part with nanoscale module presented at WP7-8 meeting in Krakow, 4-6.07.2011 {{ youtube kS-X5st0OVg}}

Generation and execution of skeleton “ant and elephant” application in GridSpace and registration in MaMe – tightly coupled part presented at WP7-8 meeting in Krakow, 4-6.07.2011 {{ youtube HuMffoJwf8M}}

HLA-based multiscale dense stellar systems simulation in GridSpace – case 1 presented at kick-off meeting Amsterdam, 6-8.10.2010 {{ youtube JckRj3hz-uo}}

HLA-based multiscale dense stellar systems simulation in GridSpace – case 2 presented at kick-off meeting Amsterdam, 6-8.10.2010 {{ youtube KeER-W6te2E}}

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