GRid enabled access to rich mEDIA content
- Marian Bubak
- Vht , Health
- October 1, 2006 - March 31, 2009
Grid technology has achieved significant advances in the past few years with a plethora of prestigious organisations contributing to middleware that opens the horizons for new exploitation opportunities. However, this potential exploitation has not yet been seen to materialise in emerging applications. The use of Grid technology is still confined mainly within scientific applications, developed by scientific organisations, experts in Grid principles.
The majority of IT application developing organisations is still afraid to delve into the use of Grid technologies, as they still sound new and remote to them. GREDIA will address this problem with the provision of a Grid application development platform. This will effectively be a tool which will provide high level support for the development of Grid business applications through a completely graphical user interface. The common characteristics of these business applications are the central concept of a Virtual Organisation and the demand for access and sharing of large quantities of distributed annotated numerical and multimedia content. Both desktop and mobile terminals will be addressed, with advances proposed in the Symbian Operating System relating to extensions that will facilitate mobile devices to exploit Grid technologies in a seamless way.
The potential effects of the platform will be validated through two pilot applications servicing news and banking organisations, demonstrating secure access to distributed multimedia content in the first case and numerical annotated data in the second. The consortium includes key technology providers, established industrial players and leading academic institutions from 7 European countries along with a world re-known partner in the area of semantic Grid research from China.
Our role
We created GridSpace applied as a core of the Appea platform, which enables users to quickly develop and deploy application scenarios, making use of the available Grid services and data resources. Moreover, GridSpace is capable of interfacing end users and present them with custom user interfaces, adapted to the needs of individual application domains.
- B. Balis, M. Bubak: An Ontology Model for Execution Records of Grid Scientific Applications. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2008), Beijing, China (3-5 December 2008)
- B. Balis, M. Bubak: Monitoring Infrastructure for Grid Scientific Workflows. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS08 , Austin, Texas (November 17, 2008)
- D. Harezlak, P. Nowakowski, M. Bubak: Secure User Management in a Grid Framework, Cracow Grid Workshop 08, 13-15 October 2008, Krakow, Poland (2008)
- D. Harezlak, P. Nowakowski, M. Bubak: A New Approach to Development and Execution of Interactive Applications on the Grid. Cracow Grid Workshop 08, 13-15 October 2008, Krakow, Poland (2008)
- D. Harezlak, P. Nowakowski, M. Bubak: Appea: A Framework for Design and Implementation of Business Applications on the Grid. In: Proceedings of Computational Science - ICCS 2008, vol. III, 8th International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 2008, LNCS, vol. 5103, Springer (2008)
- P. Nowakowski, D. Harezlak, M. Bubak: A New Approach to Development and Execution of Interactive Applications on the Grid. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2008), 19-22 May 2008, Lyon, France, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 681-686 (2008)
- GREDIA Consortium: GREDIA: enabling access to media content, Journal of eStrategies Europe, British Publishers (May 2008)
- P. Nowakowski, D. Harezlak, M. Bubak: Application Development Platform for Business Users, eChallenges e-2007 Conference & Exhibition, The Hague (October 24-26, 2007)