CECM Teaming for Excellence
- Marian Bubak
- Vht , Health
- September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2018
The project will develop a Business Case to establish in Poland Europe’s first Centre for simulation-driven healthcare Decision Support. The Centre’s mission comprises development of new computation-based solutions for diagnostics and therapy in daily healthcare to improve personalised patient treatment, enhanced growth of SMEs which deal with technologies and services for novel personalised diagnostics and treatment strategies, as well as strong advancement of algorithms, models and technologies involved in personalised medicine.
The project aims to develop a Business Plan establishing the Centre and enabling it to achieve measurable success through introduction of a number of solutions based on computational models to clinical trials, development of a number of new market-ready products and services based on innovations, authoring highly cited scientific papers, obtaining patents and securing grants.
The Plan will be based on the Polish Specialisation Strategy and will be elaborated by two Polish partners: ACC Cyfronet AGH (experts in simulation and computing infrastructures for science) and Klaster LifeScience Kraków (top cluster of industry, academia and hospitals in the life sciences domain), in collaboration with the University of Sheffield and Insigneo Institute (experts in translation of in silico modelling and simulations to clinics), Forschungszentrum Jülich (experts in innovative HPC and data techniques for science and industry) and Fraunhofer ISI (experts in systemic multi-domain solutions and innovation in medicine).
CECM Documents
- CECM - abstract in Polish
- CECM - Teaming - abstract for kick off
- Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy - an overview presentation
CECM Flyers
CECM Posters
- M. Bubak, T. Gubała, M. Malawski, and P. Nowakowski: A Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy (PPT , PDF ), KU KDM'18, Zakopane, 7-9.03.2018
CECM Presentations and Interviews
- M. Bubak and R. Hose: Sano: Personalized Computational Medicine , Hearing of Sano in front of the EU expert panel, Brussels, 21.02.2019
- M. Bubak: Interview about CECM for Newseria , 19.12.2017
- M. Bubak: Interview about CECM for Radio Krakow , 9.12.2017
- M. Bubak: “From the grid medical consortium, through virtual labs and bioinformatic environments, to the center of excellence for personalized diagnostics and medical therapy ”, the ACC Cyfronet AGH Open Day , Krakow, 27.11.2017.
CECM Kick-off in media
- 5.09.2017 - AGH to compete for a 15 million Euro grant to establish a new centre for IT and medicine (article in Polish in Gazeta Wyborcza ) (English version )
- 5.09.2017 - Engineers will help in treating patients (article in Polish in Dziennik Polski )
- 5.09.2017 - AGH to help diagnose and treat patients (article in Polish in Gazeta Krakowska ) (English version )
- 5.09.2017 - A modern medical center can be established in Krakow (article in Polish in Polska Agencja Prasowa )
- 4.09.2017 - AGH is counting on the appreciation of the European Commission (article in Polish in LoveKraków.pl )