DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform

DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform

Tomasz Waller, Tomasz Gubała, Krzysztof Sarapata, Monika Piwowar, Wiktor Jurkowski

BioData Mining, 82 (1) 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13040-015-0052-6

The study of interactions between molecules belonging to different biochemical families (such as lipids and nucleic acids) requires specialized data analysis methods. This article describes the DNA Microarray Integromics Analysis Platform, a unique web application that focuses on computational integration and analysis of “multi-omics” data. Our tool supports a range of complex analyses, including – among others – low- and high-level analyses of DNA microarray data, integrated analysis of transcriptomics and lipidomics data and the ability to infer miRNA-mRNA interactions.