A Framework for Domain-Specific Science Gateways

A Framework for Domain-Specific Science Gateways

Joanna Kocot, Tomasz Szepieniec, Piotr Wojcik, Michal Trzeciak, Maciej Golik, Tomasz Grabarczyk, Hubert Siejkowski, Mariusz Sterzel

In Marian Bubak, Jacek Kitowski & Kazimierz Wiatr: eScience on Distributed Computing Infrastructure: Achievements of PLGrid Plus Domain-Specific Services and Tools. 6 130--146. Cham: Springer International Publishing https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10894-0_10. ISBN: 978-3-319-10894-0

While modern Federated Computing Infrastructures – Grids, Clouds and other technologies – continuously increase their computing power, their use for research still stays lower than desired. The authors’ diagnosis of this problem is a technology barrier hard to overcome to people who want to focus only on science. The federated infrastructures are difficult to use not only due to the physical distribution of the resources and, thus, need for remote access, but, mainly, due to the fact that everyday patterns of interaction with a computer cannot be directly used for these resources. The way of performing computing operations on them is different than the usual way the scientists do their research using laptops or personal computers.