SARA – System for Inventory and Static Security Control in a Grid Infrastructure

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SARA – System for Inventory and Static Security Control in a Grid Infrastructure

Gerard Frankowski, Michal Rzepka

In Marian Bubak, Tomasz Szepieniec & Kazimierz Wiatr: Building a National Distributed E-Infrastructure–PL-Grid: Scientific and Technical Achievements. 6 102--113. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer ISBN: 978-3-642-28267-6

IT security, even if once achieved, is not a permanent state but rather a process. One of the main factors that impact this process is the ability to identify security vulnerabilities in the software. Disclosing such a flaw is usually followed by issuing a patch. However, for maintainers of a heterogeneous and compound environment, being up to date with all necessary fixes, may be an unexpectedly difficult task. Developing custom software in a grid project introduces another dimension to this problem. The SARA system for static security control has been developed to help the administrators with that issue.